Six Unique Overnight Accommodations in Virginia
If you travel a lot, after a while many typical/traditional hotels and more specifically their rooms, just begin to blend together. When you are traveling for business, a unique hotel may not be a priority, as you will most likely be more concerned with location and available amenities…

An Adventure in Albuquerque, NM: Riding the Sandia Peak Tramway
Join the Star City Wanderers as we ride the Sandia Peak Tramway to the top of Sandia Peak…
Hiking at Natural Bridge State Park!
Join the Star City Wanderers as we go hiking at Natural Bridge State Park in Natural Bridge, VA.

Introducing the Star City Wanderers and Exploring the Roanoke Star in Roanoke, VA!
Introducing the Star City Wanderers! Join us at the Mill Mountain Star in Roanoke, VA as we introduce you to our Travel Website and YouTube Channel.